Kennon road will change its one-way traffic to outbound from Baguio on April 17, 2022
Kennon Road will change its one-way traffic direction to outbound from Baguio City. This means that Kennon road will be opened to one-way traffic going down to the lowlands from Baguio City from 5:00 AM on April 17, 200 to 5:oo AM on April 18, 2022. This is after the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force Kennon released a Public Advisory last April 15, 2022.
The Reasons for the change in Kennon Road Traffic:
The Public Advisory stated that due to the influx of tourists in Baguio City and other areas in BLISTT, it is also expected that there will be an influx in the outbound flow of traffic from Baguio City. This is because tourists from the lowlands including those in the National Capital Region will be going back to their respective provinces and cities. Hence, the Local Government of Baguio through the request of the Baguio City Mayor, Kennon road will be changing its one-way traffic direction to outbound from Baguio City as part of the strategy of the City of Baguio in the management of traffic for inbound and outbound flow on Easter Sunday or the last day of the Holy Week long-weekend.
What happens after 5:00AM of April 18, 2022 in Kennon Road?
The one-way outbound traffic of Kennon road will only until 5:00AM of April 18, 2022. After that, the one-way traffic will be reverted to Baguio bound traffic or one-way traffic going up to Baguio City and BLISTT areas for tourists/non-residents in the area only, until further notice.
Reminders to all Motorists passing through Kennon Road
To ensure the safety of all motorists passing through Kennon Road, motorists are reminded of the following:
- Drive safely, strictly adhere to traffic and parking rules (and safety signage) and maintain a speed limit of thirty kilometers per hour (30kph) particularly along curvatures.
- Vehicles/Trucks exceeding the five (5) tons (gross tonnage) limit shall be prohibited to pass through Kennon Road.
- In case of inclement weather or detected ground shaking/earthquake with or without aftershocks, which may trigger landslides and rock falls, the Municipality of Tuba, through the Tuba MPS, in coordination with the DPWH-CAR and OCD-CAR, shall immediately close Kennon Road until public Safety is guaranteed.
Kennon Road Public Advisory Copy