Film production company released official statement regarding alleged protocol breach
Feelmaking Productions inc. has released their official statement regarding the alleged breach of protocol done by some of their film crew including actor Arjo Atayde. Previously, the City Mayor of Baguio sought the probe on the film crew after several violations were discovered.
The production company mentioned in their official statement that the actor Arjo Atayde was rushed to a hospital in Manila after testing positive for COVID-19. In addition, the actor was suffering from fever, headache, and difficulty in breathing. The decision to rush him to a hospital in Manila was mutually decided upon by the production company, the actors’ family, and his doctors.
As for the other nine (9) film crews that tested positive for COVID-19 the production company has said that they have provided assistance to them and that that coordination with local officials has been done.
Finally, according to the official statement that the Atayde family has reached out to Mayor Benjamin Magalong to assure him and the City of Baguio that they will comply with the commitments that they agreed upon.