Photo of Foggy Mountains in Baguio City
Baguio Weather Today

Weather in Baguio City Today April 15, 2021

Good morning kakailyans! It’s a cloudy morning in #Baguio City today. Stay safe, healthy, and warm everyone!
Always remember to follow the health and safety protocols.

Baguio Weather Forecast (April 15, 2021)

Baguio Temperature Today:

Lowest Temperature: 16.5°C (as of 5:00 AM)
Highest Temperature: 24.2°C (as of yesterday)
Image of lowest temperature in baguio today april 15 2021

Baguio Weather Forecast Today:

Baguio City will experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with rain showersPhoto of Foggy Mountains in Baguio City and or thunderstorms due to localized thunderstorms or troughs of the Tropical Storm. Light to moderate winds blowing from the Northeast.
Sunrise: 5:43 AM
Sunset: 6:10 PM
#BaguioCityWeather #Baguio #WeatherInBaguio #TemperatureinBaguio

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