COMELEC: Continuing System of Registration and Issuance of Voter’s Certification to Resume on July 1, 2020
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) announced that the Continuing System of Registration and the Issuance of Voter’s Certification will resume on July 1,2020 in all offices of the Election Officer in municipalities within Benguet, including Baguio City, from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Guidelines for COMELEC Office Operations
Once the said offices resume operations, here are the following guidelines that must be strictly observed:
- Mandatory wearing of face masks– No Face mask, No Entry
- Strict Social Distancing shall be implemented
- Registrants shall at all times wear their face masks during the process of registration except during the capturing of photograph (biometrics data)
- They shall apply on their hands 70% alcohol solution prior to using COMELEC provided ballpens, taking of rolled thumbprints and capturing of biometrics data;
- Strictly One (1) registrant/client shall transact business in the designated glass window or plastic barriers.
- Applicants/Registrants are encouraged to bring duly accomplished application forms which can be downloaded from the official COMELEC website to speed up the processing of registration.
- In case of Senior Citizens or Persons with Disability (PWD) registrants/clients that need special assistance, the assistor or COMELEC personnel shall observe the protocol of wearing face mask/face shield and proper hygiene after interacting with the registrant/client
- Other transactions with the public shall be done via letter, email or fax.
- All other offices of the Election Officer are required to coordinate with their respective LGUs for the dissemination of this information and for the implementation of all COMELEC guidelines relative to Voter’s Registration and issuance of Voter’s Certification.
Satellite Registration of Voters
Furthermore, the Satellite Registration of Voters is suspended until further notice. (April 30, 2020 Memo on COVID19-13 Protocol in Main and Field Offices in the Conduct of the System of Continuing Registration of Voters and Issuance/Release of Voter’s Certifications).
For other questions, you may contact the following:
Office of the City Election Officer
Atty. John Paul Martin
Election Officer IV
Baguio City
COMELEC Baguio Facebook
Telephone: 422-1991
Office of the Provincial Election Supervisor
Atty. Elenita Julia Tabangin-Capuyan, CESE
Provincial Election Supervisor III
Baguio – Benguet
Telephone: 619-2904
Source: PIO-Baguio
Hi, would you be able to send directly the application form together with the health declaration form to me? I’m having error downloading rhe forms through the website. Thank you.