4 Things You Can Do to Get Through Baguio’s Cold Weather
Brrr! Welcome to the chilly season in Baguio City! As the temperature plummets, we need to win the cold war without turning into human popsicles. Here’s a hearty guide to help you melt the chill and, who knows, maybe even enjoy it a little!
Bundle up, buttercup
Become a master of the layering game—yes, we’re talking clothes, not cakes! Tuck into your closet for that snug jacket, scarf, and beanie hat. Keep your beanie on even indoors—it’s not just a fashion statement, it also guards against the common winter colds and headaches.
Skin is in—inside your clothes, that is!
Skin exposure in the cold? Nope, not today! Be a skin scrooge. The less skin you expose, the less the cold has a chance to nip at your warmth.
Sip, slurp, repeat.
How about ‘5 Sensational Soups to Simmer Your Senses’? Soup and cold weather—a match made in culinary heaven. But beware the cold drinks, especially those containing alcohol, as they’re notorious internal heat thieves. Nothing beats a strong, steamy cup of coffee to fend off the chill. And don’t forget—guzzle lots of water too, staying hydrated is just as important when it’s cold.
Move it to lose it—the chill, that is!
Shake off that cozy couch or comfy bed and start grooving. Anything from a stroll around your living room to a good old-fashioned neighborhood jog will keep your internal furnace burning brightly. And remember, jogging isn’t just a fitness fad, it’s a lung-loving activity.
Your mind, your thermostat.
Ever noticed how the cold feels colder when you constantly think about it? Be more like the seasoned locals, spend more time outdoors, embrace the chill! Loren Greenway, CEO of the Wilderness Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, suggests this can actually reset your body’s chill-o-meter.
Health first, chill second
The dip in temperatures often ushers in cold and flu season in Baguio. Familiarity with the frosty conditions doesn’t make us immune. So, arm yourself with these toasty tips to breeze through the frosty weather without risking your health. Remember, the chill is temporary, but the fun you have can be a warm memory to last all year long!