Someday is not a Real day
How many times have we heard a friend or a family member utter the words “Someday _____”? You might have heard them say “Someday I will be rich”, “Someday I will win the lottery” or “Someday I will build my house here”. How many of you have seen “someday” happen? no one.
That is because “Someday” is not a real day. We do know the days of the week, from Monday to Sunday. “Someday” is not included in those days of the week. Now, why would I lead with this at the start of an article that is categorized under real estate? This is because “someday” is commonly uttered by people when they are asked if they would like to own a house.
Curious as I am, I have asked several friends and family members if they would like to buy and own a house or a real estate property. The common answer is, “someday”. Someday is a day that doesn’t exist in time, it is a vague answer to a somewhat clear question. But why do we (yes I am also guilty of this) answer in this manner? There are many factors however it all boils down to our self-assessment that we are not yet ready to own a property because of several reasons.
I have seen several lot owners who once said that someday, they would build a house on the empty lot that they had just purchased, unfortunately, that “someday” never came, until such time that they are too old to even start the process of building their home. While it is good to have a goal and to dream, these will just remain as such if we do not take action.
If your intention is to really build your home on that empty lot, there are ways to do that. In fact, right now, there are real estate developers who can build your house for initial cash out of 200K. If you want to take the long route, you can build your house whenever you have a piece of the budget and construct it section by section until you are able to finish the house, but of course, if you go the DIY route you will have to go through the intricacies of processing your building permit, which might cost the same as when you ask a developer to build your dream home.
Whatever your choice is, the important thing is to start and to set a real day on when you will be finishing your house construction project. Otherwise, you will just be trapped in a limbo called “someday”.