[UPDATED] What’s different now that Baguio City is in MGCQ? Here are the Guidelines + FAQs
As previously announced, Baguio City will be under Modified General Community Quarantine status starting June 1, 2020. While the IATF has released its omnibus guidelines for the implementation of the Modified General Community Quarantine, the Local Government of Baguio has also released the guidelines that will apply to the residents of Baguio City in general.
Here are the MGCQ Guidelines for Baguio City
In accordance with IATF Resolution No. 37 (as amended by Resolution N. 38) and its Omnibus Guidelines on Community Quarantine, Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order S. 2020-015, and Al other pertinent issuances relative thereto, the following general rules shall be applied during this period of MGCQ:
- A general curfew for the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the evening to 4:00 o’clock the following morning shall be imposed on persons in the city, except those working in permitted industries and businesses which require operations beyond the curfew such as medical services, security service, BPOs, and export-oriented industries;
- All persons within the City of Baguio shall wear facemask at all times while in
public spaces, and shall strictly observe social distancing. For purposes of this order, social distancing shall mean the maintenance of a physical distance of at least one (1) meter radius between persons at any given time. - A temporary ban on sale and distribution of liquor and other alcoholic products is imposed. Likewise, consumption of liquor and other alcoholic products in public places is prohibited.
UPDATE AS OF JULY 4, 2020: Liquor Ban in Baguio City is now lifted… However - All offices, workplaces, stores, shop, establishments, including those within malls and shopping centers, shall exercise utmost hygiene and sanitation, continuous disinfection of high traffic and high touch contact areas, and shall implement such other advisories as prescribed by the DOH, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the City Health Services Office (HSO). Failure or refusal to comply with prescribed standards may be a ground for revocation or business permits and the imposition of fines, where applicable.
- ALL persons must stay at home, EXCEPT in the following instances:
- To access food and basic necessities on their assigned market schedules;
- To accomplish necessary errands, or to attend permitted activities outside the home
- To attend to medical emergencies, or confirmed medical appointments with their health care providers;
- To report for work in permitted industries and offices;
- Pursuant to minimum health standards provided in DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0015, senior citizens, individuals with immunodeficiency or comorbidities, minors, and pregnant women must stay at home and limit their travel to essential and urgent needs;
- Freedom of movement pursuant to the exigency of duty shall be allowed for the following:
- Uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR), and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP);
- Personnel in the emergency and disaster management services such as the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the Philippine Red Cross and duly accredited civil assistance groups;
- Medical practitioners, health care workers, personnel of the HSO, members of the Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs), and members of the Baguio Contact Tracing Team;
- Those as may be authorized by Resolution of the IATF-EID;
- Personnel deployed by the City Mayor’s Office-Permits and Licensing Division (PLD), Special Services Division (SSD), Public Order and Safety Division (POSD), and such other persons as may be authorized as the COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force (COVID-19 IATF);
- Inspection and assessment teams of Government Instrumentalities;
- Employees of the Executive and Legislative Branch. of the Government, and the Judiciary, while on official duty;
- Employee and personnel reporting for work in permitted industries and businesses as listed in Section 3 hereof, upon presentation of Employee ID, Certificate of Employment or any similar document;
Thc PNP-Baguio City Police Office, shall maintain checkpoint stations on major entry points to Baguio City for the duration of the MGCQ, in accordance with thc following rules:
- RESTRICTED ENTRY into the City shall be maintained, except to the following persons:
- Health and emergency frontline service personnel;
- Government officials and government frontline personnel;
- Duly accredited or authorized humanitarian assistance actors (HAAs);
- Persons traveling for medical reasons;
- Returning or repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and other Overseas Filipinos (OFs) returning to their this of residence, in coordination with OWWA;
- Beneficiaries of the Balik Probinsya Program, and Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs) who are residents of Baguio, and returning to the city;
- Employees of permitted industries in accordance with Advisories that shall be released in application to their respective sector;
- Cargo, logistic service providers, and courier services transporting food and non-food items;
- Service providers for electric, water, telecommunications, and waste management utilities;
- Those authorized by Resolution of the lATF-EID, or the local COVID- 19 IATF; and
- Uniformed personnel of the AFP, PNP, BFP, PCG, CJMP, and BUCOR;
- Persons entering the city must submit themselves to mandatory temperature screening and triage assessment. Those who refuse to submit themselves to temperature screening shall not be allowed to enter;
- Those who have registered a body temperature of 37.6 degrees and above, after undergoing validation tests, shall be directed to immediately report to the nearest health facility for further examination, or isolation, if necessary;
Rules and guidelines for work arrangements in public and private offices, and permitted activities in the City are as follows:
- Indoor and outdoor non-contact sports and other forms of physical fitness and exercise such as but not limited to
- walking,
- jogging,
- running,
- biking,
- golf,
- swimming,
- tennis,
- badminton, and
- skateboarding
are allowed. Provided, that minimum public health standards such as the wearing of masks, maintenance of social distancing protocols, and no sharing of equipment where applicable, are observed. The conduct and regulations applicable to these activities shall be included in Advisories to be released by the City Sports Office under the Office of the City Administrator;
- Face-to-face or in-person classes may be conducted in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) provided that there is strict compliance with minimum health standards, consultation with local government units, and compliance with guidelines set by the Commission on Higher Education, HEI activities that involve mass gatherings of students shall continue to be prohibited.
For K-I2 Basic Education, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of the Department of Education shall be adopted; - Work in public and private offices may be allowed to resume with 100% of their workforce, with the exception that employees who are over the age of sixty (60), those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, other health risks, and pregnant women shall be assigned alternative work arrangements;
- Those activities not specifically stated herein shall be addressed in issuances and advisories to be released in suppletory effect hereto;
Pursuant to IATF-EID Omnibus Guidelines on Community Quarantine, As following industries shall be allowed to operate, subject to the following regulations, to wit:
- All businesses and industries permitted to operate during the period of Enhanced Community Quarantine and General Community Quarantine may now operate at full capacity, and arc mandated to comply with As health standards as prescribed in DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19, DTI Memorandum Circular No. 20-21, Series of 2020, advisories from the City Government, and all other pertinent issuances released subsequent hereto;
RELATED: Here are the Businesses Allowed to Operate Under MGCQ in Baguio City
- Operation schedules for some businesses may be changed or alternated during the MGCQ to accommodate spatial arrangements more conducive for appropriate social distancing and health standards;
- All public and private construction projects shall be allowed subject to strict compliance with construction safety guidelines issued by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the city government;
- Food retail establishments previously limited to take-out and delivery services may now offer dine-in services, provided, they operate at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of seating capacity, with compliance with health and sanitation standards as prescribed by the DTI and other advisories issued by thc city government;
- Barber shops, salons, and beauty parlors may provide services limited to basic haircutting services, and shall operate at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of their venue capacity, with compliance with health and sanitation standards as prescribed by the DTI and other advisories, beginning on 7 June 2020:
RELATED: Barbershops and Salons can now provide haircut services starting June 7
- General Merchandise stores, RTW retail stores, and other dry goods retail establishments may operate, subject to the implementation of practices to ensure social distancing and other health and safety standards within their premises;
- Indoor fitness centers, gyms, and other recreational facilities may operate at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of venue capacity, upon assessment and approval of the City Administrator’s Office-Sports Office;
- Internet shops may operate at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of their venue capacity, EXCEPT for e-gaming services, provided, there is compliance with health and safety standards. Operators of internet shops are reminded to rearrange their premises to facilitate social distancing among their customers;
- Pursuant to Department of Tourism (DOT) Administrative Order No. 2020- 02, dated 22 May 2020, hotels, lodging, or hospitality establishments may operate at 50% of their venue capacity, provided, their operations shall be limited to the provision of basic lodging, and they have acquired a DOT Certificate of Authority to Operate;
- Boarding houses and other long term accommodations establishments shall be allowed to operate to accommodate returning residents and workers in permitted industries and businesses;
- Business establishments and offices are expected to give full and faithful compliance with the rules as stated herein. Failure to comply may be a ground for revocation of business permit, and the imposition of fines, where applicable. Owners of stores, markets, supermarkets, groceries, and other similar retailers of basic goods, pharmacies, and drug stores are strongly reminded to comply with the DTI advisory on price freeze for basic commodities while the country is under a State of Public Health Emergency;
- All establishments allowed to open shall require the use of face mask, observe utmost hygiene and sanitation, conduct continuous disinfection of high traffic and high touch contact areas, provide of hand sanitizers or hand wash stations at their entrances, and shall enforce such other advisories as prescribed by the DOH, DTI and the City Health Services Office (HSO):
- Being in the front line in the fight against COV1D-19, health care workers and social workers shall be provided with express lanes:
- Those businesses. and industries not specifically stated herein shall be addressed in issuances and advisories to be released in suppletory effect hereto;
The following general guidelines shall be applied in the operation of the transport sector during the period of MGCQ, to wit
- Pending further guidelines from the Department of Transportation (DOTr), arrangements for mass public transportation between local government units, and quarantine zones shall undergo further deliberations and consultations with concerned bus operators. Approved operation plans shall be stated in advisories to be released subsequent hereto;
- Carriage and passenger arrangements of public utility jeepney (PUJs) and taxi units shall be limited to 50%, capacity, in keeping with strict health standards, and DOTr Guidelines for Public Transport Operations under MGCQ, to wit
- PUJ operators and taxi drivers shall install non-permeable transparent physical barriers between drivers and passengers.
- Operators must to implement seating arrangements that can accommodate 50% of the vehicle passenger capacity and at the same time comply with social distancing practices;
- Only one passenger is allowed at the front seating area;
- Operators should institute measures to mitigate the spread of the virus such as mandatory wearing of face masks and gloves for drivers, hand sanitizers and similar disinfectants that are made readily available inside the vehicle, and utilization of a non-contact fare payment system;
- Passengers should be reminded to wear face masks;
- Travel routes and coding schemes for PUJs, Taxi Unit, and private vehicles shall be according to official Advisories to be released in suppletory effect hereto;
- A Temporary Transportation Scheme, formulated through the analyses of the Baguio Traffic and Transport Technical Working Group (BTTWG), with the conformity of the local COV1D-19 IATF, shall be implemented to manage the movement of public and private vehicles within the city;
- Owing to the nature of their functions and duties in the implementation of GCQ policies, rules and regulations, the Temporary transportation scheme shall not be applied to the following:
- Health workers and the members of the Baguio City Contact tracing team;
- Uniformed personnel of the AFP, PNP, BFP, PCG, BJMP and BUCOR;
- Service providers in the emergency and disaster management;
- Utility services for water, electricity, telecommunications and waste management;
- Those other persons may be authorized by the local COVID-19 IATF in succeeding issuances.
The PNP, HSO, PLD, and POSD are empowered to ensure that the implementation of this Order is carried out with utmost consideration for the order, safety, and security of all persons involved. The BHERTs may be called upon to assist in monitoring compliance with health standards as prescribed herein and in succeeding official Advisories
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) regarding MGCQ
Do I still need my Home Quarantine Pass (HQP) to go out?
UPDATE as of June 27, 2020: The HQP is replaced with a new Malls and Markets (M&Ms) Card.
One (1) Malls and Markets card will be given per household in replacement of the HQP. Just present a valid ID and your old HQP to your respective barangay. Click here for the Malls and Market Schedule for July.
Can I go out any day of the week?
Answer: ALL persons must stay at home, EXCEPT in the following instances:
- To access food and basic necessities on their assigned market schedules;
- To accomplish necessary errands, or to attend permitted activities outside the home
- To attend to medical emergencies, or confirmed medical appointments with their health care providers;
- To report for work in permitted industries and offices;
- Pursuant to minimum health standards provided in DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0015, senior citizens, individuals with immunodeficiency or comorbidities, minors, and pregnant women must stay at home and limit their travel to essential and urgent needs;
Is the number coding scheme lifted under MGCQ?
Answer: A Temporary Transportation Scheme, formulated through the analyses of the Baguio Traffic and Transport Technical Working Group (BTTWG), with the conformity of the local COV1D-19 IATF, shall be implemented to manage the movement of public and private vehicles within the city
RELATED: Here’s everything you need to know about the Temporary Transportation Plan in Baguio City for July
Are buses available for transportation?
Answer: Pending the guidelines from the DOTr, buses for mass transportation are not yet available
Can stranded residents travel from provinces to Baguio?
Answer: Yes, provided they meet the criteria and requirements as stated in Section 2 (see above)
Are hotels and accommodations now open for tourists?
Answer: No. Essential Travel is only allowed in Baguio City, while hotels may open for business at 50% capacity they are only to provide basic lodging service
Can I open my ukay business now?
Answer: Only those RTW/Second-hand Clothing with permanent stalls are allowed to operate. Night market is still closed until further notice
FAQs will be updated as soon as related advisories are released by the authorities
New Normal
Mayor Benjamin Magalong stressed that the guidelines are dynamic and imperfect and thus can be adjusted anytime as seen fit by authorities.
Sana po pwede na mga bus magbiyahe para makauwi na ok mga stranded dito sa Baguio kasi po namimiss na ok namin mga paMilya namin, salamat po ng marami!
hello Good day po!
tanung ko lang po if galing ka po sa Province na Covid free (from Quirino Province) need padin po ba na mag quarantine. maraming salamat po sa tutugon. God bless po!
Tanong ko lang po ano po ang mga requirements na kailangan ko para masundo ang anak ko na na-stranded po dyan sa baguio.need ko na po siya makuha dahil magpapasukan na po.Private car po ang gagamitin.
Maraming salamat po at sana matugunan po ninyo ang aking katanungan.
Dear Sir/Mdm
i am a Singaporean who has been affected by the lock down in Baguio since March 2020. I read 2 days ago that Scoot Airlines has re-opened their service to Clark, and would like to inquire if I am permitted to travel. If so,
Kindly advise:
(a) What are the criteria, procedures and permits/authorization that I must secure before travel is possible;
(b) What are the authorized transport service(s) that are available for me to be able to travel from Baguio to Clark Airport
Alternatively, kindly direct me to a relevant for the above information link, if available as I can’t seem to find it on the web.
Kind Regards
Seow Chaw Chung
+63 9202823808