Baguio City News

No Vending Activities on Sidewalks by July 2021, Baguio City Officials and Newsstand Owners Agreed

After a meeting between Baguio City Officials, and newsstand owners which was conducted yesterday, December 15, 2020 (Tuesday), city officials have agreed to give vendors six months’ extension to relocate and follow the plan of a .60-meter setback inside an establishment. Thus, on July 1, 2021, vending activities on sidewalks will not be allowed.

Furthermore, it was stated in the city’s information office page last December 12, 2020, that the move to regulate newspaper and watch repair stands in the city is in compliance with the road and sidewalk clearing directive of President Rodrigo Duterte.

And the move to regulate was decided in the meeting of the head of the following city offices according to City Permits and Licensing Division Chief Allan Abayao:

  • City Treasury Office (CTO)
  • City Engineering Office (CEO)
  • City Planning and Development Office (PDO)
  • Permits and Licensing Division (PLD)

Abayao said that the regulation applies not only to the newspaper and watch repair stands but to all vending activities along sidewalks.

“Pursuant to the directive of the President, all obstructions along sidewalks will be removed. Newspaper and watch repair stands have been also advised to transfer inside any establishment but they have to appeal to the owner of the establishment for a favorable arrangement.”
-City Permits and Licensing Division Chief Allan Abayao

Baguio City Officials and Vendors Agreement

Here are the following agreements stated in the PIO-City of Baguio post:

  • No vending activities on sidewalks by July 1, 2021.
  • Vendors are given 6 months (January-June 2021) extension to relocate and follow the plan of a .60-meter setback inside an establishment (so customers should not be standing on the sidewalk).
  • All newspaper and watch repair stands are allowed to operate until December 31, 2020 in their respective present locations but with the updated business permits.
  • Those located on narrow sidewalks shall be relocated by January 2021.
    • PLD, CPDO, Public Order and Safety Division (POSD), CTO shall come up with appropriate relocation sites.
    • Affected vendors shall be notified.
    • Management Information technology Division (MITD) will help in coming up with a geo-location of these vendors/services.
  • Additional items:
    • Only a small amount of candies, facemask, face shield are allowed until December 31, 2020.
    • No extension of the area occupied (dimension: 1-meter x .50-meter).
    • This shall be monitored by POSD.
    • Items sold other than allowed items shall be confiscated.
  • Vendors to maintain a clean, orderly, and visually pleasing newspaper and watch repair stands;
  • Cooperative:
    • The publication owners and media were encouraged to share responsibility in organizing these vendors into a cooperative and making favorable arrangements with building owners.

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Source: PIO-City of Baguio Dec. 15, PIO-City of Baguio Dec. 12

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