CSC Warns Public Against CSE Reviewers & Review Centers
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has released a warning to the public on Monday, April 5, 2021, regarding Career Service Professional and Subprofessional Examination (CSE) review classes and reviewers offered by different individuals and groups.
CSC informed the public through their official social media account that the exam reviewers that are currently being sold in bookstores, social media, and online selling websites have not been accredited by them. CSC also noted that there are claims that some of the reviewers have been prepared by past topnotchers of the career service examinations.
The commission advised the public to purchase these reviewers or availing review center services at their own risks.
“May we advise again the public that the CSC neither holds any review classes nor publishes or distributes any review materials for the Career and any Civil Service examinations. Further, the CSC does not accredit and has not accredited any review center for the purpose of offering and holding review classes to prospective career service examinees,” the CSC said.
The commission also disclaims giving permission to any individual or entity regarding the use of its logo in review materials and those who are using it without expressed authority will be held liable to the law.
SOURCE: Civil Service Commission