Mental Health

Four Breathing Techniques For Anxiety

Anxiety can make a person feel out of control. Sometimes, people who are experiencing panic have difficulty breathing. That is a frightening feeling, but there are ways that you can manage your anxious feelings without losing your breath. One of the things that we have control over is breathing. Those with anxiety can benefit from using mindfulness and breathing techniques. When you have control of your breath, your emotions feel more stable. Here are four different breathing techniques that help calm the body and the mind.

Star breathing

This is a creative breathing technique that involves drawing a star on your leg. You start by pointing your finger on your thigh. Draw a diagonal line up and to your right as you breathe in through your nose. Then, draw a diagonal line down and to your right as you exhale. After that draw a line diagonally up to the left as you inhale. Next, draw a line straight across to your right as you exhale. Finally, draw a line diagonally down to your left as you inhale and then slowly exhale. The star breathing technique is a visual and tactile way of calming your body and mind.

Box breathing (4-4-4 breathing)

Box breathing is easy to remember because you are breathing to the count of four. Just remember the numbers “444.” Start by exhaling and letting all your breath go. Then inhale to the count of four. Next, hold your breath to the count of four. Finally, exhale slowly while counting to four. Box breathing is a simple way to calm the nervous system.

Belly Breathing

Belly breathing is an extremely relaxing technique. Begin by laying on your back. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly. Slowly breathe through your nose, and feel your belly rise. Then, exhale through your nose or your mouth. You can repeat the process five or more times. If it helps to close your eyes, that will make the exercise even more relaxing.

Lion’s breath

Breathing exercises don’t have to be stuffy or serious. Here’s a fun, playful one called “lion’s breath.” Lion’s breath is a common yoga breathing exercise. Start by Inhaling through your nose. Then, open your mouth, stick your tongue out and make the sound “ha” as you exhale. After you let your breath go, breathe a few times naturally before doing the lion’s breath again. It is excellent for anxiety and a way to practice breath control.

Breathing can help with mental health issues

There are many things that we do not have control over in our lives. It can be frustrating when you want something to go a certain way, and you are not getting results. You can always come back to your breath. If you’re feeling stressed, take a moment to try one of these breathing exercises. It can help you calm your body and mind and focus on something other than what is stressing you out.

You can also learn breathing techniques (as well as different ways to manage anxiety) by seeing a therapist. Whether you see someone online or in your local area, therapy is a beautiful place to discuss anxiety or any other mental health concerns. Read more about that here. Therapists understand how breathing exercises can help their clients. Your counselor may teach you mindfulness techniques that involve breathing.

Marie Miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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