“First Come, First Served” Policy Approved by Mayor
“First Come, First Served” Policy is now mandatory in Baguio City after Mayor Benjamin Magalong approved the changes of the City Ordinance No. 22, Series of 2019, Amending City Ordinance No.25, Series of 1990, authored by Councilor Joel Alangsab.
Instances the First Come First Served Policy in Baguio is Applied
In the amended ordinance, it is stated that the policy must be applied and followed in all necessary instances. Below are the instances mentioned in the policy.

- Securing or buying stamps at the post office or tickets in bus stations, movie houses, concerts, conventions, and athletic competitions.
- Paying tuition fees/dues in schools, taxes and other dues with any government office or bills in hospitals and institutions.
- Securing permits for any examinations or clearances from government offices and the like.
- Entering public utility vehicles; movie houses, concerts, conventions, and athletic competitions.
Prohibited Acts Stated in the Policy
These are the acts that are not allowed under the “First Come, First Served” policy.
- Overtly or covertly entering a line at any position other than the end which may include joining others in the line or using any instrument or scheme to save a slot or space in a line.
- Break up a line or employ devices and schemes to disrupt the order and cause confusion as to the order of persons in a physical or virtual line.
- Use of any physical force, threats, intimidation or influence by virtue of power, social status, prominence, or reputation to cut in, break up or disrupt the order of a line.
- Knowingly giving consent to the foregoing act by allowing another person to insert, cut in, break up or disrupt the order of a line.
Penalty for Violators
Those who are caught doing any of the prohibited acts listed above will be penalized.
FIRST OFFENSE: Php 1000.00
Premises With Written Notice
For people to be reminded and be aware of the approved policy, notices of the “First Come, First Served” policy will be posted on:
- Bus Stations and Jeepney Terminals
- Concert and Athletic Competition Venues
- Schools
- Movie Houses
- Post Office
- Other Government Offices
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“First Come, First Served” Policy Exemption
Here is the list of people who are exempted from the policy.
- Senior Citizen (Republic Act No. 9994)
- Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) (Republic Act No. 7432)
- Pregnant Women
- Women with Babies
- Persons who because of health, national security or public interest need immediate goods and services.
Source: The City Government of Baguio Official Website