DOST Secretary de la Peña: Ifugao to have its 1st Soybean Processing Hub
The Department of Science and Technology in Cordillera Administrative Region (DOST-CAR) and the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) has recently inked a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the development of a soybean processing industry in Ifugao.
Information about this project has been made public by DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña through a Facebook post published on Saturday, September 19, 2020. The development of a soybean processing industry in Ifugao is among the recent accomplishments of the DOST-CAR.
Through an interview conducted by the Philippine News Agency with the DOST Secretary, it was revealed that the project is the first soybean processing hub in Ifugao and it is for the use of soybean producers and processors in the Cordillera.
“Soybean farmers will use the facility until they are able to establish their own processing center,” said de la Peña.
The technology hub will be established at the PSTC building, Ifugao State University (IFSU) Campus, Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021.
According to de la Peña, the project costs Php 967,576.80, of which, DOST-CAR, PHilMech, and the beneficiaries (soybean producers and processors of CAR) will be providing counterpart funds of P264,176.80, P510,400.00, and P193,000.00 respectively.
More Info about Ifugao’s Soybean Processing Hub
The activities programmed in the project include the following:
- Establishment of a soybean processing technology hub in Ifugao
- Equipped with the necessary technologies
- Trainings on soybean processing that will focus on:
- Product costing
- Packaging
- Labeling
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Source: Philippine News Agency, DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña