Benguet News

SLU and BSU Shine in 2023 THE Impact Rankings

Two Benguet universities, Saint Louis University (SLU) and Benguet State University (BSU), have made their mark in the 2023 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. The rankings, which were recently released, recognize the efforts of universities worldwide in promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs), as set by the United Nations​.

SLU ranked between 801-1000 in the overall university rankings, a remarkable achievement for its first year participating in these distinguished annual rankings​​. The university showed a strong commitment to several key SDGs, including No Poverty, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and Partnership for the Goals​.​

Meanwhile, BSU, securing a rank beyond 1000, demonstrated its dedication to sustainable development and environmental preservation. The university excelled notably in the areas of Good Health and Wellbeing, Life on Land, Quality Education, and Partnership for the Goals​.

For a bit of background, the THE Impact Rankings were established in 2019. They measure universities’ contributions to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Universities can submit data to be measured against any of the goals, and any university that provides data on SDG 17 (partnerships for the goals) and at least three other SDGs is included in the overall ranking. A university’s total score in a given year is calculated by combining its score in SDG 17 with its top three scores out of the remaining SDGs. The score for the overall ranking is an average of institutions’ total scores over the past two years​.

SLU and BSU are among 29 universities from the Philippines that made it to the 2023 Impact Rankings out of 1,591 universities worldwide. These universities are acknowledged for their active engagement in sustainable development and their efforts to address pressing global challenges, contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future​.

Lea M.

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