Baguio City News

SLU and Pines City Colleges Announce Academic Break

Saint Louis University (SLU) and Pines City Colleges have announced on Friday the suspension of classes from Monday April 11 to Saturday, April 16, 2022, which will serve as an academic break for their students.

Saint Louis University Academic Break

According to the announcement by Saint Louis University Administration, the academic break is to give SLU students and employees an opportunity to participate in the observance of Holy Week, wherein April 14 and 15 were already announced as national regular holidays and April 16 has been declared as a special non-working holiday. Office work is also suspended except those identified offices for the exigency of the nature of their services.

Pines City Colleges Academic Break

Pines Colleges has also released an advisory implementing an academic break on April 11-16, 2022. According to the announcement, no academic obligations shall be given to students on the mentioned dates.

Offices are still open for transactions from April 11-13 and shall be closed on April 14-16 in observance of the Holy Week. Regular operations will resume on Monday, April 18, 2022.

Lea M.

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