See Earth’s Aurora in Between the City Lights and the Stars

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s International Space Station, on Sunday, January 24, 2021, has released some stunning photos featuring the Earth’s aurora shining in between the city lights and the stars.

The said photos were taken as high as 51.6 degrees above the equator. Here are some of the must-see images as published by the International Space Station of NASA through its official Twitter account.

What are auroras? These are simply described by the space administration as beautiful light shows in the sky. Although these lights are best seen at night, NASA explained that they are actually caused by the Sun.

“If you’re near the North Pole, it is called an aurora borealis or northern lights. If you’re near the South Pole, it is called an aurora australis or the southern lights,” NASA also stated.

Earth is not the only planet known to boast such a stunning display of light. According to NASA, if a planet has an atmosphere and magnetic field, it probably features auroras as well. Jupiter and Saturn are among the planets out there wherein auroras may happen.

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Source: International Space Station| Official Twitter, NASA Science| Space Place


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