Mayor Magalong’s Resignation as Contact Tracing Czar, Rejected says Roque

Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque has confirmed that Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong has submitted his resignation as the country’s Contact Tracing Czar and the spokesperson added that the resignation was not accepted.

“We confirm that Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong tendered his resignation as the government’s Tracing Czar.”

“Mayor Magalong’s resignation, however, has not been accepted. He continues to enjoy the trust and confidence of the leadership of the National Task Force (NTF) Against Covid-19.”

-Statement of Harry Roque

The resignation came following the admission of the mayor attending a party held in a hotel in Baguio City where several lapses of COVID-19 protocols were committed.

Check out the statement of the Mayor regarding the party issue, HERE.

The full content of the resignation letter of Mayor Magalong was publicly posted on the Public Information Office – City of Baguio Facebook page today.

“This is to formally tender my resignation as Contact Tracing Czar, Lead Implementor for Contact Tracing in the National Task Force for Coronavirus 2019. ”

-Mayor Magalong

In the letter, Magalong stated, “In hindsight, being a senior officer of the Task Force, I should have done an immediate spot correction of the error that I witnessed during that time.”

“Much as I have given my best to discharge my duties for the Task Force, this incident has been a reminder that a higher standard is always expected of me,” Mayor Magalong added.

Photo Source: PIO-Baguio

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Source: PIO-City of Baguio, PNA


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