Baguio Tourists Warned Against Colorum Tour Operators and Illegal Accommodations

The Baguio Tourism has posted an advisory today reminding Baguio City tourists to be aware of colorum and illegal tour operators, tour transports, tour guides, and illegal accommodations as it will not ensure their safety and the quality of services.
Here’s the full advisory posted on the Baguio Tourism Facebook Page:
“To  All Our Baguio Tourists:
While we have gradually started opening our tourism activities, this will never include the wrong practices of the past.
Please be warned of colorum and illegal tour operators, tour transports, or tour guides, including illegal accommodations. They will not ensure you of safety and quality of services. The new normal is in the direction of the better normal – that is, responsible and sustainable tourism.
Please help by reporting to us these illegal practices. They will be dealt with accordingly.
Furthermore, the Baguio Tourism is urging the public to report the aforementioned illegal practices.

Note: Although the photo used for the post bears the logo of Baguio City Guide, our team has nothing to do with the post nor with the person who made the post. It is unfortunate that our photo has been used for this purpose without our knowledge. Baguio City Guide is not a tour operator but rather an information and news website for Baguio City and Beyond.

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Source: Baguio Tourism

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