COVID-19 can be carried and transmitted by a person not showing any signs and symptoms, a study revealed

The Case Study

A recent study has shown the possibility of a person can carry and transmit the COVID-19 virus even without showing signs and symptoms. In a research letter published by several Chinese Doctors with Dr. Meiyun Wang as the corresponding author, they have discovered concrete evidence of a person able to transfer the COVID-19 virus to other persons even if the former is not showing any symptoms.

The case study is focused on a 20-year-old woman from Wuhan who traveled to Anyang on January 10. After 3-days, she, along with 5 family members, visited a sick patient (who was not infected with the coronavirus) at the Anyang District Hospital.

On January 17, one of the woman’s family members exhibited fever and sore throat and the following week the other four relatives also exhibited respiratory symptoms and fever.

On January 26 those family members were admitted to the Fifth People’s Hospital. On all those family members that tested positive for COVID-19, the only contact they had with a person who had been to Wuhan was their 20-year old relative.

Initial tests to the 20-year-old woman showed that she is negative from COVID-19, her CT scans also came back normal. However, the day after, she tested positive to COVID-19, up until February 11, the woman showed no signs and symptoms. The Doctors concluded that the COVID-19 incubation period for this particular patient was 19 days. Previous studies have shown that the incubation for COVID-19 is 14 days, however, recent research has shown that it could reach up to 24 days.

The Effect of this new Findings

According to the researchers, the transmission of the virus from asymptomatic patients (who are infected but doesn’t show signs and symptoms) makes the task of containing the spread of the virus a lot more challenging, for obvious reasons.

This case, however, could not be regarded as an isolated case because according to the report by the Chinese Center for Disease Control, there are 1.2% of patients who were infected who did not show any signs or symptoms.

COVID-19 Vaccine

As of today, potential COVID-19 vaccines are still in the testing phase, while time is of the essence, many companies have announced that they have been developing potential vaccines to curb further spread of the virus.

Implications of the case study

This study proves that a person even when asymptomatic and while the virus is still in its incubation period could be potentially infectious. This is why doctors who have done the case study has indicated in their research letter that such made combating the spread of the virus a lot more challenging.

The Effects of the Corona Virus Outbreak

The World Health Organization in its February 22, 2020 situation report, stated that there are 77,794 confirmed cases. Out of these cases, 76,392 are from China with 2,348 deaths. There are 1,402 confirmed cases outside of China with 11 deaths. South Korea is the first country outside of China to have raised the alarm on COVID-19 spread to the highest level. As of Sunday afternoon, there were 602 confirmed cases.

Businesses on a global scale are also feeling the effect of the COVID-19 as there is a slow down in the global economy. Companies like Apple and Coca-cola have announced an expected decline in their revenue in the coming months as an effect of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Philippines

As of today, the Philippines have 132 PUI’s for COVID-19, with 3 confirmed cases. This is according to the Department of Health website. Those 3 confirmed cases are the ones earlier reported who traveled to the Philippines from China. There are 474 PUI’s who were already discharged as they were tested negative for COVID-19.

COVID-19 in Cordillera Administrative Region

As of today, according to the DOH website, there are no confirmed cases of people infected with the COVID-19. There are currently 7 PUI’s and there are 21 PUI’s who were already discharged as they tested negative for COVID-19.

Filipinos Abroad

The cruise ship Diamond Princess which is docked in Japan has reported that the number of Filipinos inside the cruise ship infected with the COVID-19 has risen to 52, however, according to DOH they are still confirming the additional 8 cases to the original 44 confirmed cases of Filipinos infected with COVID-19. In Singapore, the first case of COVID-19 involving a Filipino was reported by the Philippine Embassy in Singapore. The patient is now in isolation at the National Centre for infectious diseases.

What can we do?

Prevention is better than cure, our local Department of Health has released several advisories on how to prevent contracting the virus by observing proper hygiene. The Department of Health has released advisories and reminders regarding proper hygiene in order to stop the spread of the virus. In addition, we can also better prepare ourselves in combating the disease by arming ourselves with the right knowledge and information. It is with correct information that we can better prepare personally and as a community to stopping the spread of this deadly virus.

Here are 6 Ways to Protect Yourself from COVID-19

From Visually.

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