Stay Hydrated:

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Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Your body loses fluids more quickly in hot weather, and staying hydrated helps your body regulate temperature more effectively.

Wear Lightweight and Light-Colored Clothing

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Light-colored clothes reflect sunlight, and lightweight fabrics help your body breathe and stay cool.

Use Air Conditioning and Fans Wisely

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Fans can help circulate air and make the temperature feel cooler even in rooms without air conditioning. If you have air conditioning, maximize its cooling potential with the help of fans. 

Avoid the Sun at Peak Hours

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The sun is typically strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Try to stay indoors during these hours, or if you must be outside, seek shade and wear protective clothing and sunscreen.

Take Cool Showers or Baths

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A cool shower or bath can quickly lower your body's temperature. Even just soaking your feet in cool water can help.

Apply Prickly Heat Cooling Powder

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Use prickly heat powder to areas prone to sweating and heat rash. The powder helps absorb excess moisture, reduce friction, and provide a cooling effect, which can be incredibly relieving in hot and humid conditions.

Thick Brush Stroke

Eat Light and Small Meals

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Heavy meals can increase your body temperature. Opt for smaller, lighter, and more frequent meals during hot days.

Use Wet Cloths or a Spray Bottle

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Dampen a cloth with cool water to apply to your skin, or use a spray bottle for a refreshing mist.

Minimize Physical Activity

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Limit strenuous activities to cooler parts of the day to avoid overheating.

Treat Yourself to Halo-Halo

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Enjoy a serving of halo-halo, a popular Filipino shaved ice dessert that's packed with a variety of ingredients and topped with ice cream or leche flan. This treat is not only refreshing but also a fun way to cool down.