FB and Messenger Rolls Out Care and Vibrating Heart Reactions

Noticed anything different about the lineup of reactions you can use on Facebook when reacting to posts that have caught your interest? Well, that’s because there’s a new addition! This new reaction is, of course, no other than the emoji hugging a heart.

Emoji Care Reaction

The emoji hugging a heart is to show caring and solidarity when commenting on a status update, message, photo or video during the coronavirus crisis, told by the head of the Facebook app, Fidji Simo to USA TODAY. 

With this new addition to the Facebook reactions, people all over the globe can already express their care and compassion with regards to Facebook posts about the COVID-19 pandemic and any other Facebook posts which they feel compassionate about the easiest and the fastest way possible.

Is the Emoji Hugging a Heart Reaction a Permanent Addition?

So is the seventh reaction to stick around for good or just a temporary emoji just like the purple flower for Mother’s Day? The head of the Facebook app has told USA TODAY that it all depends on users’ reaction to the reaction.

With all the posts on your Facebook feed right now, with the emoji hugging a heart as one of the top three reactions, it’s almost impossible for you not to notice the update. But what about the vibrating or moving heart reaction on messenger? Have you tried using it yet?

Vibrating Heart Reaction on Messenger

Aside from the additional seventh reaction which you can use in either the Facebook app or Facebook on desktop, there is another new reaction for the Messenger App – the vibrating heart. If you don’t see it on your choices when you hold a message to react on it, just hold the original heart reaction until the “Change Your Heart Reaction” option pops out. 

To change the heart reaction, simply tap the “Use Updated Heart” icon. Don’t worry if you only wish to try the vibrating heart. You can always revert back and forth and use either the original or the updated heart depending on what’s suited on the message you would want to drop the reaction on.




Have you already tried using these reactions?

Did you like the emoji hugging a heart and vibrating heart reactions? If yes, share what you like about it in the comment section below. If not, let us know what reaction do you rather prefer to have on Facebook and Messenger. Share your thoughts in the comment section below just the same.



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